راه اندازی سایت بوسکا Busca در برزیل توسط شرکت چینی بایدو Baidu
سایت مرجع
Baidu Launches Localized Search Engine “Busca” in Brazil
July 21st, 2014

Baidu, the Chinese version of Google, has been slowly expanding its reach outside the country, trying to take on Google, a company that owns the world’s most used web browser. The company has introduced “Busca,” a local-language search engine in Brazil.

The service offers pretty much what you’re used to from a search engine-text, image, and video search, as well as links to its Postbar service. The search box is smart and fills out as you type, suggesting autocomplete options and previewing results as you type.

There’s also going to be content embedded into the site, as the Chinese company signed deals with several players. It’s also possible to like your favorite celebrities directly from the search results pages.

The Next Web ( http://thenextweb.com/asia/2014/07/19/chinas-baidu-takes-google-search-service-brazil-ramps-globals-plans/ ) reports that Baidu is feeling a bit intimidated by Google. While Kaiser Kuo, the director for international communications, chose to keep mum on the company’s marketing plans for the new market, he did share that they aren’t just going to sit around and hope people stumble over the Baido Busca on their own.

Baidu’s adventures don’t stop at Brazil. In fact, on top of Japan, where there’s already a localized search engine from the Chinese company, Baidu wants to expand to Thailand and Egypt with similar tools.

The company has a rather small office in Brazil, with only 18 employees, but that doesn’t mean the search engine is all they’ll handle here. In fact, many of Baidu’s other major products will land in Brazil sometime in the near future.

It looks like there’s even going to be a Research and Development center in Brazil for which the Chinese company is talking with local universities.
Baidu Launches Localized Search Engine “Busca” in Brazil

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